Information About the Organic Waste Collection and What Happened Then

Any waste suitable for composting is known as "organic waste. Farm Waste Recycling includes garden waste, organic waste, etc. Materials such as fruit, twigs, leaves, plants, etc. Are known as recyclable waste. It also includes food remaining, kitchen waste, coffee packs, small tea bags, etc. Such a type of waste is known as recyclable waste. If the waste cannot be broken or composted, then it is a recyclable waste. Foods such as fish bones, meat, or any type of cooked food or dairy products cannot be recycled and hence should not be put into the waste bins. You should not put such food into the green recycling bin. Some materials, such as pine straw, hay, and dried leaves, are combustible and are known as "brown waste. Such materials release nitrogen and carbon in higher quantities. When the organic waste is collected, then what happens? After collecting the organic waste, it is taken to the special composting sites with Organic Waste Recycling Process . Then the mat...